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Deandra/ ​SassyAngel

UGC Content Creator, Influencer

Locatated: South Carolina, USA

I am a full-time Content Creator skilled in creating content that will

capture the eye of a viewer while encapsulating everything a brand wants.

I have created content in the gaming space consistently for the past

5 years, and went full-time Dec. 2021. I have now been in the UGC world

since April of 2022.I love to game, cook, workout, and play with makeup/skincare

In my multiple years of content creation I have worked with brands such as Hexclad,

Reebok, HidrateSpark, Backbone, Hello Fresh, Nectar Mattress and more!

Why Invest in UGC?

Brands with social media presence give an opportunity to create a

community with their consumers

Content that is relatable improves converstation between ​consumersleading to more success for brands

Why Choose me?

I have worked with various brands in many different niches to help ​them make sales. Please click 'here' to direct to my page of viral ​videos.

How to get in contact?

Click 'HEre' to direct to contact page or email me at: ​

viral video Examples



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Past Projects


Past Projects


Past Projects

Apps & Websites

Past Projects


Past Projects

Household Products

Past Projects

Unboxing Work

Past Projects

Pet Videos

Past Projects

Jewelry Brand

Photo Work

Skincare Devices

Past Projects

Photo Work Continued

Pet Clothing

LED Lights

Past Projects

Editing I Have Done For Others

Comments From Clients

Let's Get In Touch

Deandra / SassyAngel

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